📄️ List registered Users
List registered Users
📄️ Create new user
Create new user
📄️ Resolve ID for a username
Resolve ID for a username
📄️ Request User information
Request User information
📄️ Update User information
Update User information
📄️ Delete a User
This method deletes user and address entries from DB and schedules a background task to delete messages. You can call this method several times even if the user has already been deleted, in case there are still some pending messages.
📄️ Log out User
Log out User
📄️ Recalculate User quota
This method recalculates quota usage for a User. Normally not needed, only use it if quota numbers are way off. This method is not transactional, so if the user is currently receiving new messages then the resulting value is not exact.
📄️ Recalculate Quota for all Users
This method recalculates quota usage for all Users. Normally not needed, only use it if quota numbers are way off. This method is not transactional, so if the user is currently receiving new messages then the resulting value is not exact.
📄️ Reset password for a User
This method generates a new temporary password for a User. Additionally it removes all two-factor authentication settings
📄️ Return recovery info for a deleted user
Return recovery info for a deleted user
📄️ Cancel user deletion task
Use this endpoint to cancel a timed deletion task scheduled by DELETE /user/{id}. If user data is not yet deleted then the account is fully recovered, except any email addresses that might have been already recycled
📄️ Open change stream
This api call returns an EventSource response. Listen on this stream to get notifications about changes in messages and mailboxes. Returned events are JSON encoded strings