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ACME Certificates

WildDuck is able to manage SNI certificates with Let's Encrypt or any other ACME compatible certificate authority.

Requirements to use auto-renewing SNI certificates:

  • SNI certificates are used by IMAP, POP3, WildDuck API, and SMTP servers. MX and Webmail servers are not covered by this.
  • Each server that a SNI hostname resolves to must have either WildDuck API or ACME agent running on port 80
  • When using SNI you still have to set up some default certificates in the config file. These could be self-signed though as WildDuck prefers SNI certs whenever possible
  • You must register ACME SNI certificates via /certs API endpoint with the following configuration:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8080/certs -H 'content-type:application/json' -d'{
"servername": "",
"acme": true

The example above expects WildDuck ACME agent running on port 80 in every IP address that resolves to