📄️ List messages in a Mailbox
Lists all messages in a mailbox
📄️ Update Message information
This method updates message flags and also allows to move messages to a different mailbox
📄️ Delete all Messages from a Mailbox
Delete all Messages from a Mailbox
📄️ Upload Message
This method allows to upload either an RFC822 formatted message or a message structure to a mailbox. Raw message is stored unmodified, no headers are added or removed. If you want to generate the uploaded message from structured data fields, then do not use the raw property.
📄️ Search for messages
This method allows searching for matching messages.
📄️ Search and update messages
This method allows applying an action to all matching messages. This is an async method so that it will return immediately. Actual modifications are run in the background.
📄️ Request Message information
Request Message information
📄️ Update message information with path param
This method updates message flags and also allows to move messages to a different mailbox
📄️ Delete a Message
Delete a Message
📄️ Get Message source
This method returns the full RFC822 formatted source of the stored message
📄️ Download Attachment
This method returns attachment file contents in binary form
📄️ Forward stored Message
This method allows either to re-forward a message to an original forward target or forward it to some other address. This is useful if a user had forwarding turned on but the message was not delivered so you can try again. Forwarding does not modify the original message.
📄️ Submit Draft for delivery
This method allows to submit a draft message for delivery. Draft is moved to Sent mail folder.
📄️ Delete an Outbound Message
You can delete outbound emails that are still in queue. Queue ID can be found from the `outbound` property of a stored email.