📄️ List registered Addresses
List registered Addresses
📄️ Create new Address
Add a new email address for a User. Addresses can contain unicode characters. Dots in usernames are normalized so no need to create both '[email protected]' and '[email protected]' Special addresses `*`, `*[email protected]` and `username@*` catches all emails to these domains or users without a registered destination (requires allowWildcard argument)
📄️ List registered Addresses for a User
List registered Addresses for a User
📄️ Request Addresses information
Request Addresses information
📄️ Delete an Address
Delete an Address
📄️ Update Address information
Update Address information
📄️ List addresses from communication register
List addresses from communication register
📄️ Create new forwarded Address
Add a new forwarded email address. Addresses can contain unicode characters. Dots in usernames are normalized so no need to create both '[email protected]' and '[email protected]' Special addresses `*` and `username@*` catches all emails to these domains or users without a registered destination (requires allowWildcard argument)
📄️ Update forwarded Address information
Update forwarded Address information
📄️ Delete a forwarded Address
Delete a forwarded Address
📄️ Request forwarded Addresses information
Request forwarded Addresses information
📄️ Get Address info
Get Address info
📄️ Rename domain in addresses
Renames domain names for addresses, DKIM keys and Domain Aliases