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Administrating WildDuck via command line

REST api

Well, the whole idea is, we can administrate wilduck via the REST api. So we are crafting http queries, and sending it via curl.

You can save these commands to ~/.bashrc file (which is executed if you are coming through ssh, the ~/.profile file is for interactive login). Not as aliases (because alias can not have arguments), but you can save them as bash functions, which behave exactly like aliases but can have arguments too.

Saving functions to ~/.bashrc file

Here is an example:

wduck-get-user() {
echo "Geeting info about user with id: $1"
curl -i http://localhost:8080/users/$1


Crash course about bash functions:

You only specify the function as functionname() { ... }, no need to specifying the arguments. You can call it either with or without arguments or with multiple arguments:

$ functionname
$ functionname myargument1
$ functionname myargument1 my2

If you save it to ~/.bashrc, then you can call it as any alias defined there.

Better to source our file in .bashrc rather then defining there

It is better to have a separate file for wildduck related commands, and source it in bashrc file, then polluting it too much.

So we create a file named ~/.wildduck.commands, and source it. Paste this at the end of ~/.bashrc file:

# include .wildduck.commands if it exists
if [ -f $HOME/.wildduck.commands ]; then
. $HOME/.wildduck.commands
echo ".wildduck.commands file has been sourced"

Please note . file is the same as source file. But dot itself is POSIX compatible, while source is bash builtin (and some other shells too), but bash itself does not make a distinction between dot and source.

List of commands

In the below examples, we are taking our commands from wildduck API. Please refer to the official api for the latest version if this guide gets old or out of sync.

List of all users in wildduck

curl -i http://localhost:8080/users

Function snippet to be saved in :~/.wildduck.commands`:

wduck-users() {
echo "List of all users"
curl -i http://localhost:8080/users

Query user information

  curl -i http://localhost:8080/users/$USERID

Function snippet to be saved in :~/.wildduck.commands`:

wduck-user() {
echo "Querying info about user $USERID"
curl -i http://localhost:8080/users/$USERID

Searching messages in the whole database (chinese char)

Some mongodb foo:

> use wildduck
> db.
find({'headers.value': /[姚轉]/ }).
map(doc => '/users/' + doc.user.str + '/mailboxes/' + doc.mailbox.str + '/messages/' + doc.uid )

Example output:

Where doc.user is the owner of the mailbox, doc.mailbox is the mailbox where the message located (inbox, sent, draft, etc), and doc.uid is a number, what wildduck uses for message id. It is independent from mongodb builtin doc._id.

Function snippet to be saved in :~/.wildduck.commands`:

wduck-message-delete() {
echo "Delete(format: /users/USERID/mailboxes/MAILBOXID/messages/UID) message: $URL"
curl -i -XDELETE http://localhost:8080$URL

Use it like:

wduck-message-delete /users/5b1xxx8dc5/mailboxes/5b1xxxdc6/messages/10837

where xxx are real chars.

Or in a shell script:

#! /bin/bash

source ~/.wildduck.commands

declare -a arr=(
for i in "${arr[@]}"
wduck-message-delete $i